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Education & Events FAQs
Have a question? Below are FAQs and answers.
Individuals desiring to become insurance producers must complete 24 hours of pre-licensing education (PLE) to be eligible to take the licensing examination. Here are some important things to keep in mind:
- You can take any course approved for 24 hours that includes at least three hours of ethics. IA&B has a PLE-approved course for P&C. This course also provides exam preparation.
- PLE is a one-time requirement and is necessary for those individuals not currently licensed who are preparing to take their first licensing exam. PLE credits are valid for one year. If an individual does not pass the state exam within the one-year time frame, he or she must obtain 24 hours of PLE again. Note that PLE credits cannot be applied to licensing renewal for an existing line of authority.
- Current insurance producers: To add additional lines of authority, you only need to take and pass the exam for that line. No PLE is required to add a line of authority to an existing license. Simply print a copy of your current license (to provide as proof of your exemption) when you go to the exam center.
Candidates must complete a 20-hour approved course for each major line of authority. For combination exams (e.g. Property/Casualty), 40 hours are required. A certificate of completion must be submitted in order to take the examination. Then you must file an application with the Maryland Insurance Administration. You can apply online (recommended) with a credit card, or use the NAIC uniform application plus Maryland supplement.
Once you have satisfied the pre-licensing requirements, you must pass a licensing examination. The examination will correspond to the line of authority you are applying for.
Once you have satisfied the pre-licensing requirements, you must pass a licensing examination. The examination will correspond to the line of authority you are applying for.
You must file a uniform application with the Insurance Commissioner. (Delaware also accepts the NAIC uniform applications). The application materials, as well as examination information, can be downloaded from the Department of Insurance’s website. For information about examinations, contact Pearson VUE (formerly Promissor) at 800-274-0455 or visit their website.
The resident (as well as non-resident) license application fee is $75. It should be sent along with the application.
The examination will not be required for:
- A producer who is already licensed in another state for the same line(s);
- An individual who was previously licensed for the same lines of authority in another state if his/her application is received within 90 days of the cancellation of the previous license;
- An applicant for a title insurance license who is an attorney licensed to practice law in Delaware; or
- An applicant for a Travel Accident & Baggage license.
If you register at least four weeks prior to the course, you are guaranteed to pass the exam. If you do not pass the exam, you may attend another study course within one year at no charge. (Updated course material fees may apply.)
Please note that this guarantee ONLY applies to our Pennsylvania Licensing Study Course (webinar and classroom versions). It does NOT apply to our self-study licensing packages available in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware.
Continuing Education (CE) Requirements
To maintain your ability to sell, solicit, or negotiate insurance, you must comply with state-specific CE and training requirements. Review our chart of requirements (and, in some cases, exemptions).
View our master CE approval chart.
We will file your CE credits with the state insurance department within 10 days after you complete the course.
For on-demand courses, you will receive your course completion certificate immediately upon passing the course exam. The certificate will arrive in PDF via email, so please whitelist the @icohere.com email domain to ensure you receive it.
For CIC or CISR courses, you will receive an email from The National Alliance that includes your certificate approximately two weeks after your course.
For IA&B CE classroom and webinar courses, you will receive your certificate via email seven days after the course or webinar.
Please note: It is your responsibility to retain the certificate for your records or to use it in the E&O renewal process if applicable.
Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) Program & James K. Ruble Graduate Seminars
CIC live webinars are two-day programs offered via the Zoom webinar platform. Registration is required. After you register, IA&B will send you a confirmation email with a link to a customized program webpage. This webpage will provide everything you need for your course, including connection instruction and links, access to course materials, continuing education information, and exam details (if applicable).
- A desktop computer, laptop, or tablet
- Internet connection
- Speakers or audio on your device
To earn a CIC designation, you must take and pass five exams. You have five years from the date of passing your first exam to pass the remaining four CIC Institutes.
If you are attending for CE credit only or for your annual designation update credit, you do not need to take a test. Your attendance is validated by the attendance polls.
For all CIC courses (classroom, hybrid, and webinar), you will access the exam through the Alliance’s Learning Management System (LMS). The exam will be available Monday, 12:01 AM CST through Thursday, 11:59 PM CST the week following the last webinar. You can take the exam any time during this exam window. You have two hours to complete the exam once you begin, and all questions are essay/short answer.
CIC online exams require a disinterested third-party proctor be present while you take the exam. A disinterested third-party is someone with no direct business or family relationship to you, has no financial interest in your success or failure, and is not concerned with the outcome of your exam. These three options are available to you:
Option 1 – Use MonitorEDU, a virtual proctoring service. You must have an extra device such as a smartphone or tablet. You will also need the “Google Meets” app loaded on your cell phone or tablet. A proctor will observe you remotely on camera while you complete the exam. No appointment is necessary and proctors are always available. First navigate to the MonitorEDU website, http://scicproctor.com/, and pay the proctoring fee. When ready to take the exam, return to this site and click “connect to proctor.”
Option 2 – You may visit a brick-and-mortar testing location. The quickest way to locate a proctor in your area is to conduct a Google search for “approved proctors near me.” Your search results will yield official testing centers at colleges, universities, libraries, and learning centers.
Option 3 – Someone in a dedicated HR or training department role within your organization may sit with you to proctor your exam.
If you select option 1, MonitorEDU.com, you can learn more about the process here: http://www.riskeducation.org/proctor-monitor-rules/
To earn continuing education credits and/or designation update credit, you must be in full attendance of the webinar(s). There are three attendance polls each hour to track attendance, and you must reply to all attendance polls to earn credit.
If you miss an attendance poll, report it immediately via the webinar chat feature. Please include the following:
- Your Name
- Poll # Missed
- Reason for Missed Poll
This information will be noted on our attendance records. If your CE is affected by missing the poll(s), IA&B will contact you.
If you have trouble logging in or encounter any other technical issues concerning the live webinar, please call our administrative partner, The Florida Insurance School (FISCE) at 800-786-4303.
Exam results will be available in four to six weeks. You will receive an email from the Alliance when your grade is available. Visit http://www.riskeducation.org/ to access your account, view your results, or obtain a new username and password.
Your designation update is due by the end of your birth month annually. While you should make every attempt to adhere to the requirement and the date, sometimes the unforeseen occurs, and you may need to request an extension for your update. You can request an extension for 90 days from your original due date. To submit an extension, sign into your PROfile account and click on the Request Extension tab located to the right of your Alliance member number. For additional assistance, please contact the Alliance directly at 800-633-2165.
Attending any of the following will satisfy your annual update requirement:
- Any of the seven CIC Institutes (no examination required)
- James K. Ruble Graduate Seminars
Formerly called Advanced Coverage Ruble Seminars, these programs are offered only to dues-paid members of the Society of CIC.* This update option is especially designed to move you beyond a mere knowledge of policies to an in-depth understanding of specific risks and exposures. You will learn the latest coverages, trends, and techniques for minimizing insurance gaps and will view developments through the eyes of a risk manager. - Dynamics of Selling
A unique sales program designed exclusively for the insurance industry. This program is designed for those new to selling insurance as well as those who have been selling for years. If you are new to selling insurance, this program will help you maximize your time and effort and increase your sales. If you have been selling for years, this program is just what you need to enhance your sales techniques.
*Please contact the Society of CIC at 800-633-2165 for more information on becoming a member.
Note: When planning your annual update, please keep in mind that you may not repeat a course in the same licensing period for CE credit. Credit will be granted only once per licensing period. In Maryland, courses must not be taken within six months of each other, even if taken in two different licensing periods. If you have a question whether a course is a duplicate or whether it has changed since you took it last, please contact IA&B at 800-998-9644, option 2.
Tenured CIC
In recognition of the many milestones and achievements CICs have made in their successful careers, the CIC Board of Governors initiated the Tenured CIC status in 2011. Significant educational achievements and a record of maintaining your designation have broadened each individual’s substantial base of knowledge. Therefore, this special recognition of tenure has been granted to CICs who have met the following criteria:
- Held the designation for 25 or more years, or who have not held the designation for 25+ years, but are 70 years old or older:
- Designation is in good standing; and
- Membership dues are current.
These CICs will be eligible for tenured status and may maintain their designation by paying CIC dues every year and attending a qualified program every other year. Best of all, tenured CICs retain all of the rights and privileges of the designation and of their membership in the Society.
CIC Emeritus
A status available to CICs who are ready to retire, but not ready to give up the designation for which they worked so diligently and maintained for so many years. CIC Emeritus status is maintained with annual dues payment and no annual update is required. The CIC Emeritus designation guidelines are:
- Candidates must be retired from the insurance or risk management industry;
- Years held designation plus age must equal 70 or greater, and
- Must be dues-paid members in good standing.
NASBA Information
The Alliance is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website by clicking here.
Yes, insurance professionals are welcome to take CIC Institutes without the intent to earn a designation. The exam is required only if earning the designation.
Click here to learn more.
Certified Insurance Service Representative (CISR) Program & William T. Hold Seminars
CISR live webinars are single-day programs offered via the Zoom webinar platform. Registration is required. After you register, IA&B will send you a confirmation email with webinar links, course materials, and CE information.
- A desktop computer, laptop, or tablet
- Internet connection
- Speakers or audio on your device
CISR: To earn the CISR designation, you must take and pass five of the nine CISR courses. Once you pass your first exam, you have three calendar years to complete the remaining four courses.
CISR Elite: To earn the CISR Elite designation, you must take and pass the remaining four courses. Once you pass the first CISR Elite exam, you have three calendar years to complete the remaining three courses.
If you are attending the live webinar only for CE credit or for your CISR designation annual update credit, you do not need to take a test. Your attendance is validated by the attendance polls, and an exam is not required.
Following the live webinar, we will email you a link to the exam. The exams are taken online. Beginning on July 1, 2022, for all CISR courses the exam will be open and available at 4:15 PM the day of the program and will remain open through 11:59 PM the following Thursday. You can take the exam any time during those days. You will have one hour to complete the exam from the time you begin.
CISR online exams require a disinterested third-party proctor be present while you take the exam. A disinterested third-party is someone with no direct business or family relationship to you and has no concern with your exam outcome or no financial interest in your success or failure. These three options are available to you:
Option 1 – Use MonitorEDU, a virtual proctoring service. You must have an extra device such as a smartphone or tablet. You will also need the “Google Meets” app loaded on your cell phone or tablet. A proctor will observe you remotely on camera while you complete the exam. No appointment is necessary, and proctors are always available. First navigate to the MonitorEDU website, http://scicproctor.com/, and pay the proctoring fee. When ready to take the exam, return to this site and click “connect to proctor.”
Option 2 – You may visit a brick-and-mortar testing location. The quickest way to locate a proctor in your area is to conduct a Google search for “approved proctors near me.” Your search results will yield official testing centers at colleges, universities, libraries, and learning centers.
Option 3 – Someone in a dedicated HR or training department role within your organization may sit with you to proctor your exam.
To earn continuing education credits and/or designation update credit, you must be in full attendance of the webinar(s). There are three attendance polls each hour to track attendance, and you must reply to all attendance polls to earn credit.
If you miss an attendance poll, report it immediately via the webinar chat feature. Please include the following:
- Your Name
- Poll # Missed
- Reason for Missed Poll
This information will be noted on our attendance records. If your CE is affected by missing the poll(s), IA&B will contact you.
If you have trouble logging in or encounter any other technical issues concerning the live webinar, please call our administrative partner, The Florida Insurance School (FISCE) at 800-786-4303.
To earn continuing education credits and/or designation update credits, you must be in FULL ATTENDANCE of the webinar. There will be attendance polls taken online during each hour of the live webinar. You must reply to all attendance polls to earn credit.
Online Exam: You will get your results almost immediately after completing the online exam.
Classroom Exam: The Alliance will notify you via email within two to three weeks when your exam results have posted to your Alliance account at: http://www.riskeducation.org/
Your designation update is due by the end of your birth month annually. While you should make every attempt to adhere to the requirement and the date, sometimes the unforeseen occurs, and you may need to request an extension for your update. You can request an extension for 90 days from your original due date. To submit an extension, sign into your PROfile account and click on the Request Extension tab located to the right of your Alliance member number. For assistance, please contact the Alliance directly at 800-633-2165.
You must complete an annual update requirement to maintain your designation. The following will satisfy your annual update requirement:
- Attend any one of the nine CISR courses (no examination required).
- Attend any William T. Hold Seminar.
- Attend a Dynamics of Service seminar.
- Attend any CIC or CRM Institute and earn two years of update credit.
NOTE: When planning your annual update, please keep in mind that you may not repeat a course in the same licensing period for CE credit. Credit will be granted only once per licensing period. In Maryland, courses must not be taken within six months of each other, even if taken in two different licensing periods. If you have a question whether a course is a duplicate or whether it has changed since you took it last, please contact IA&B at (800) 998-9644, option 2.
Yes, insurance professionals are welcome to take CISR seminars without the intent to earn a designation. The exam is required only if earning the designation.
Sales & Marketing Training - Certified Professional Insurance Agent (CPIA) Program
CPIA live webinars are single-day programs offered via the Zoom webinar platform. Registration is required. After you register, IA&B will send you a confirmation email with a link to a customized program webpage. This webpage will provide everything you need for your course, including connection instruction and links, access to course materials, and continuing education information.
- A desktop computer, laptop, or tablet
- Internet connection
- Speakers or audio on your device
To earn continuing education credits and/or designation update credit, you must be in full attendance of the webinar(s). There are four attendance polls each hour to track attendance, and you must reply to all attendance polls to earn credit.
- Your Name
- Course Title and Date
- Poll # Missed
- Reason for Missed Poll
If you have trouble logging in or encounter any other technical issues concerning the live webinar, please contact the IA&B Education Team at 800-998-9644 option 2.
No, full attendance of all three segments of the CPIA program is all that is required to earn the designation.
CE Webinars & On-Demand
Live webinars are a convenient way to earn continuing education credits from anywhere with an internet connection. Simply follow along with our engaging instructors and respond when cued throughout the presentation to document your attention. There are no exams required!
Watch for your confirmation with webinar instructions to arrive via email from IAB_Registration@IABforME.com the day prior to your scheduled webinar. You can proactively whitelist this email address to facilitate the delivery process. (Check all spam/junk files if you do not receive the email, or contact IA&B directly.)
The webinar platform is Zoom, and internet access is required. Connecting to this webinar through a remote office connection/VPN may cause audio/video challenges and attendance polling issues. We recommend connecting to the webinar outside of your remote office connection/VPN.
Audio will come through your computer’s speakers or a mobile device. There is no call-in number.
- A desktop computer, laptop, or tablet
- Internet connection
- Speakers or audio on your device.
Watch for your confirmation with webinar instructions to arrive via email from IAB@IABforME.com the day prior to your scheduled webinar. You can proactively whitelist this email address to facilitate the delivery process. Check all spam/junk files if you do not receive the email, or contact IA&B right away at 800-998-9644, option 2.
The webinar is opened one hour prior to its scheduled start time. We recommend you connect at least 30 minutes early in case time is needed for troubleshooting purposes.
There will be two unannounced attendance checks in each hour of the webinar. You must be in full attendance to earn CE credit.
If you miss an attendance poll, email us at IAB@IABforME.com. Please include the following:
- Your Name
- Course Title and Date
- Poll # Missed
- Reason for Missed Poll
If you have trouble logging in or encounter any other technical issues concerning the live webinar, please call our administrative partner, The Florida Insurance School (FISCE) at 800-786-4303.
To access an on-demand course for which you are already registered:
- Log into your IA&B account.
- Once logged in, click My Account and then choose the My Education & Events tab.
- Select your on-demand course from the My Upcoming Education & Events list and follow the instructions.
On-demand programs are accessible for 30 calendar days from the date of registration. On-demand programs are non-transferable and non-refundable.
Yes, but CE credits will be awarded only to individuals who are registered and answer all attendance polls from their own laptop/device.
General Questions
For our classroom courses, conferences, and conventions, cancellations or transfers received more than 10 days before the start of a course are fully refundable or transferable. For most educational courses, registration changes made within 10 days of the course start date are subject to a 25% penalty. Licensing self-study packages are non-refundable. On-demand programs are non-transferable and non-refundable.
No shows will result in forfeiture of the entire registration fee. Substitutions for courses are honored at any time.
Read more details about our terms and conditions.
If you have any questions or need to ensure an accommodation is made, please contact our team at 800-998-9644, option 2 or education@IABforME.com. We will be happy to assist you. (Please note that our facilities are accessible for a person with a disability.)
Contact our team at 800-998-9644, option 2 or education@IABforME.com.
Learn about IA&B membership benefits and cost savings. Click here, or contact Tim Wonder at 800-998-9644, ext. 351 or TimW@IABforME.com.
When a course or event reaches maximum capacity, a wait list is available for those who want to attend. Full payment is due at the time of registration. If a space becomes available, you will be notified via email and will move automatically from the wait list into the course. Open seats are filled in the order that they were placed on the wait list.
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Annapolis, MD 21401